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10 Teachers Gynaecology Pdf Free Download

Gynaecology by Ten Teachers pdf

Gynaecology by Ten Teachers – First published in 1919 as 'Diseases of Women',Gynaecology by Ten Teachers is well established as a concise, yet comprehensive, guide within its field. The twentieth edition has been thoroughly updated by a new team of 'teachers', integrating clinical material with the latest scientific developments that underpin patient care.

Each chapter is highly structured, with learning objectives, definitions, aetiology, clinical features, investigations, treatments, case histories and key point summaries and additional reading where appropriate. New themes for this edition include 'professionalism' and 'global health' and information specific to both areas is threaded throughout the text.

Along with its companionObstetrics by Ten Teachers, the books will continue to provide an accessible 'one stop shop' in obstetrics and gynaecology for a new generation of doctors.

Content – Gynaecology by Ten Teachers

  1. Gynaecological History and Examination, and Imaging Anatomy
  2. Embryology and Sex Determination
  3. Puberty and Control of the Menstrual Cycle
  4. Reproductive Endocrinology
  5. Implantation and Early Pregnancy
  6. Contraception
  7. Subfertility
  8. Menopause and Post-Menopausal Health
  9. Genitourinary Medicine and HIV
  10. Urogynaecology and Pelvic Floor Problems
  11. Benign Conditions of the Ovary and Pelvis
  12. Benign Conditions of the Uterus and Endometrium
  13. Benign Conditions of the Vagina and Vulva, and Psychosexual Problems
  14. Malignant Disease of the Ovary
  15. Malignant Disease of the Uterus and Endometrium
  16. Malignant Disease of the Cervix, Vagina and Vulva
  17. Surgery
  18. Instructors.

Features – Gynaecology by Ten Teachers

  • Fully revised – new authors, new editors, new structure and new themes
  • Highly illustrated – text supported and enhanced throughout by high-quality colour line diagrams and photographs
  • Clear and accessible – numerous features supplement the narrative text and provide useful queues for revision
  • Illustrative case histories – engage the reader with realistic scenarios that bring the obstetric practise to life
  • Flexible – download the ebook for use on a smartphone, tablet or computer, or access on-demand anywhere with an internet browser, and personalize it with notes and highlights.

The consultation should ideally be held in a closedroom with adequate facilities and privacy. Manywomen will feel anxious or apprehensive about theforthcoming consultation, so it is important that theexaminer establishes initial rapport with the patientand puts them at ease. The examiner should beintroduced by name (a handshake often helps) andshould check the patient's details. Ideally, there shouldbe no more than one other person in the room, butany student or attending nurse should be introducedby name and their role briefly explained. Gynaecology by Ten Teachers

A number of women attend with their partneror close family member or friend. Provided thepatient herself consents to this, there is no reason toexclude them from the initial consultation, but thisshould be limited to one person.

In some instances,the additional person may be required to be a keypart of the consultation, i.e. if there is a language orcomprehension difficulty. However, it is important torecognize that some women may feel obliged to havetheir mother/partner present and may not provide allthe relevant information with them present. Gynaecology by Ten Teachers

At leastsome part of the consultation or examination shouldbe with the woman alone to allow her to answer anyspecific queries more openly.It is important to be aware of the different attitudesto various women's health issues in a religious andculturally diverse population.

Appropriate respectand sensitivity should always be shown.Enough time should be allowed for the patientto express herself and the doctor's manner should beone of interest and understanding, while guiding herwith appropriate questioning. A history that is takenwith sensitivity will often encourage the patient toreveal more details which may be relevant to futuremanagement.A set template should be used for history taking,as this prevents the omission of important points andwill help direct the consultation. A sample templateis given below.


The editors would like to acknowledge the excellent contributions of additional authors Carolyn Ford, KirstyMunro, Nisha Krishnan and Sameer Umranikar, who are not Ten Teachers but without whose significant helpthis volume would not have been completed.I would like to thank my wife Susan and my girls Madeleine and Betsy for their constant support and Jan, mysecretary. (AM)I would like to acknowledge my wife Jenny and children Harry, Anna and Ellie for their support and love. (SD)

A little bio won't be bad but i don't have any.. Lol. Okay.. Follow me on twitter lets talk

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